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Join the March to One Million


Not every organization that submits a proposal to display their products and services at the CCSA’s annual conference get approved. That is why we are so excited to be among the businesses participating in the 23rd Annual California Charter Schools Conference to be held in Long Beach, CA from March 14 – 17, 2016.

About CCSA

The CCSA or California Charter Schools Association is a group of charter school advocates that work together to advance the charter school movement. Their vision is to provide the option for families to choose a charter school as opposed to a typical public school if they feel the charter will provide a better education.

Through their advocacy, the CCSA accumulates and disseminates data and information on the effectiveness of California’s charter schools to parents, legislators, the press, and all other groups and public school associations.

The March to One Million Students

Ultimately CCSA’s mission is to enroll a million students into California’s charter school system by the year 2022. Not only that, their goal is also to ensure that charter schools are outperforming California’s public school system.

They argue that some students are stuck in failing or underperforming public schools. By providing parents and students an option to enroll in a higher quality charter school, they are making sure that all children have the right to an exceptional public education.

Through their annual conference, CCSA hopes to inspire charter school administrators and create a collegial environment of unity and excellence among the participating organizations. It also serves as a way to influence public policy to expand the reach of the charter school movement in California.

CNN’s Soledad O’Brien to Moderate Panel Discussion

There is an ongoing debate about whether or not charter schools are really necessary which makes this year’s keynote speaker such a brilliant choice. This year, CNN’s Soledad O’Brien will be on hand to moderate the closing session panel discussion.

As an award winning television journalist who is used to taking on some of the most contentious issues of our times, Soledad’s panel discussion will be a must-see event. She has no fear of delving into many of the issues that surround the debate on charter schools:

She will bring her hard-hitting journalism to help foster a lively and informative discussion about the role of charter schools in California. Her list of credits is seemingly endless, including winning several Emmys for her reporting on the Haiti crisis, her piece, “Kids and Race” and her coverage of the 2012 presidential election.

She is also the recipient of two Peabody awards; one for her reporting on Hurricane Katrina and one for her coverage of the BP oil spill. Her documentaries on being “Black in America” and, “Latino in America” are among two of CNN’s highest-rated documentaries ever. You won’t want to miss it as Soledad O’Brien closes out the conference with the final panel session.

Furniture Family Will Be There!

At Furniture Family we are thrilled to be among the many businesses and organizations there to show off how our products and goods can aid the March to a Million movement. As leaders in the school furniture business, we have everything that charter schools need from innovative student desks to early learning furniture and fixtures including:

Our classroom desks come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and styles. Like many charter schools where teachers share classrooms and students share desks, we offer desks that can be adjusted for height as well as fixed height desks and chairs. All of our products are designed to offer maximum comfort for efficient learning.

Displaying a booth in Exhibit Hall at the Annual California Charter Schools Conference is the best way to get your products into the charter school system. Furniture Family will be there with our own display booth to show off our top of the industry classroom furniture solutions.

Stop By Our Booth

If your organization or school plans on attending the 23rd Annual #CCSACon, make sure to stop by our booth. Are you in need of high-quality classroom furniture but won’t be attending CCSA’s conference this year. Simply fill out our request form to get a quote now for your classroom needs.

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